Business Administration with International Management & Economics

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Business Administration with International Management & Economics is a full-time six-semester course. Annually starts in the autumn semester.

Tuition (with the exception of non-English language-learning units) takes place entirely in English.

The course is made up of modules of between 3 and 9 ECTS credits, i.e. 5 to 8 modules per semester. Modules may consist of up to three sub-modules which are related to each other and typically cover different aspects of specific areas (e.g. economics, ecology and mathematics). Assessment is normally through end-of-module examinations or in-module assignments.

The terms of content, the course features a general management programme of approximately 120 credits and an exclusively international focus programme of approximately 60 credits. Moreover, students will have to pass an assessment level of two semesters before being able to continue their studies at bachelor level (semesters 3 to 6).

A wide range of teaching and learning methods are used, depending on the aims and objectives of specific modules and sub-modules. Apart from contact units, directed and self-directed learning form an integral part of the curriculum.

The Aims and Objectives

The aims of this Bachelor programme are to: 

*     provide students with the knowledge, skills and capabilities to enable them to become actively involved in managing and developing activities in all areas of business, such as accounting and finance, information management, marketing, organisation, human resources, strategy and policy planning

*     develop students' understanding of the economic, legal, social and technological environment in which business operates and thus to allow them to respond proactively to contemporary issues and challenges

*     equip students with the techniques, tools and methods required for planning and organising, for efficient information research, critical analysis and evaluation, effective problem-solving and informed decision-making

*     provide students with the ability to engage in successful teamwork and to deal constructively with criticism and conflicts

*     develop students' oral and written communication skills in more than one language and across national and cultural borders

*     develop students' awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and to encourage them to reflect on their own values and assumptions, as well as the impact of their actions and those of others in business and wider society

and in addition:

*    to offer native speakers of English the opportunity to study international management and economics in Central Switzerland

*    to give advanced, but non-native speakers of English the chance to substantially improve their command of English for specific purposes (management and economics as well as related areas)

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